Prof. Dr. Borka Jerman-Blazic is holding MS in Electrical Engineering from University of Ljubljana and a Ph.D in natural and computing sciences from University of Zagreb. Prof.dr. Borka Jerman-Blazic is a full professor at University of Ljubljana, Department of Economics and is heading the Laboratory for Open Systems and Networks at Josef Stefan Institute. She is teaching undergraduate courses in electronic communications and information security and postgraduate courses in Telecommunication Services and Technologies , Legal aspects and standards in ICT and E-commerce.

Prof. Dr. Borka Jerman-Blazic is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, a member of the ACM, member of the New York Academy of science since 1991, member of IFIP. She is appointed member to UNECE/CEFAT UN (Economic Commission for Europe) group for Internet enterprise development, appointed member of eTEN management committee of EU and a member of EU FP7 Programming Committee on Security, Chair (2004-2007) of the Internet Society of Europe ( , Distinguished Member of Slovene Society for Informatics, member of the editorial board of the international journal of Technology Enhanced e-Learning.

She is holding Plaque of appreciation of the Thai branch of IFIP and ACM for her services in Internet development and awards for best papers (IARIA IEEE conference). She is EU evaluation expert acting in the years 1996-2008 in programme such as IST FP4, FP5, FP6 and FP7. Prof.dr.Borka Jerman-Bla?i? has been involved in more than 150 international conferences and workshops as a speaker, invited speaker and chair or a member of the programming committees. She has published more than 90 papers in refereed scientific journals, 154 communications on scientific meetings, 15 Chapters in scientific books, 6 books and other 142 scientific contributions.

She has as well experience in editorship from books published by Kluwer P.C and IOS Press (2001-2004). RECENTLY APPOINTED AND ON-GOING RESPONSIBILITY Chair of ISOC Europe Execom, 2004-2007 Member of the FP7 Program Committee on Security Member of the EU ICTSB Standard Board 2004- Member of the Internet Enterprises Experts of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Member of e-TEN Management Committee, IST program EU, 2004-2006 Member of the Scientific Committee on Technical Sciences, R&D Agency of Slovenia Chair of Slovenian Standardisation Committee on ICT, member of ISO JTC1, JTC1 SC2 and SC22, and CEN TC 304 in the area of internationalization of the Internet services CEN expert (1986-2003) in the area of internationalization Chair of Slovenian ISOC Chapiter Team leader for IST FAIN, NASTEC, CADENUS, UNIVERSAL and ELENA projects from EU 5th FP IST, DIADEM, ALIPRO, BReATH and Prolearn from 6th FP -IST, GLOBAL, EIFFEL and P2PNext 7th FP –IST and ICOOPER from EU eContent program EU expert in the area of IST and eContent program Director of the NATO Advanced Workshop on Security in communications, September, 15-18, Bled Slovenia, 2003, and Portoro?, May 2001, Chair of the Program Committee of the IFIP Conference: Security in Multimedia and Communications, Portoro?, October 2002, Member of the Programming Committee of World Wide Web Conference, New York, USA, May, 17-20, 2004, Virtual Goods Conference, 2002, 2004.