17 Partnerships for the goals
  • Original Title: NOC - Make New Friends
  • Year: 2015
  • Award: WSA European Young Innovators
  • Category: European Young Innovators
  • Producer: Luca Spagnolo, Matteo Consonni, Jennifer Ho
  • Organisation: NOC
  • Country: Netherlands
  • URL:

NOC is a web platform that helps expats or any curious person to meet people and make new friends based on shared interests.

A global average of 2.4 hours per day is spent using social media, amounting to about 50 days per year spent eating, sleeping, and breathing online. Paradoxically, by shifting socialisation to the net, social media isolate people in reality. Since more and more interactions are happening virtually, NOC aims to provide people with an easy and quick tool to help them socialise in real life.

For people who want to have a coffee break with a real person and not their smartphone, NOC makes it as easy as selecting pegs like “coffee”, “music” or “movie”, plus a location, and a time. Participants can either join a meetup, organize one or NOC someone specific, and presto – make a new friend!

Building on partnerships with Leiden University, the Centre for Innovation, the Venture Academy, Peace and Informatics Lab, NOC was specially launched during Orientation Week Leiden to help integrate new international and masters students arriving for the first time at Leiden University, adding up to a great community building strategy.



Jury Evaluation:

“The concept is built on how to use social media to empower real world interaction. It is a platform that allows people to organise group meet-ups based on shared interests. The added value of this initiative is that it really seems to offer an alternative reason for meeting. The project benefits of a great promotion and community development strategy.” – EYA Grand Jury Report