S!E: emergency information system

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Original Title: S!E: emergency information system
  • Year: 2018
  • Award: World Summit Award
  • Category: Smart Settlements & Urbanization
  • Producer: Barbarita Lara Martínez, Felipe Acevedo La Rivera
  • Organisation: SIE APP
  • Country: Chile
  • URL: http://www.sieapp.cl/en/

S!E is an emergency information system that sends life-saving information to people living in disaster-prone areas directly to their smartphones using a high frequency algorithm. S!E encodes audio information which can be distributed over radio, bridging analogue and digital worlds using existing FM radio infrastructure. The system does not require Internet or mobile networks, providing a low cost, low power and long-distance connectivity solution. S!E technology is also useful for emergency response vehicles, mining, agriculture and marketing.